How to Avoid or Control Cat Allergies

Many people love cats, but can't have them, or suffer due to cat allergies. There are some things you can do to control allergy problems though, and knowing the triggers and what you can do to minimize exposure will be very helpful.

People think their allergic responses are from cat hair, but it's actually Cat Dander that people are reacting to. This Cat Dander results from a protein found in the saliva of cats. It becomes airborne and causes the allergic response. The hair of a cat can also collect pollen, dust and other allergens, but it's usually the dander that causes most of the trouble. The length of the cat's hair has no impact on allergies, so it doesn't matter if your cat is short hair or long hair.

You can help control cat allergies by using an air purifier which will remove the Cat Dander safely and effectively. It's important to know that dander can remain in a house for months after a cat has been removed, so simply giving the cat to a new home will not solve the problem, at least right away.

Toxic Chemicals and Pregnancy

It's really shocking to discover that seemingly harmless things like cosmetics, skin care, and even bottles and cans that contain food or drinks may be a big contributing factor to the increase in couples who are unable to conceive. Evidence shows there can be a connection between toxic chemicals and pregnancy.

Chemicals such as BPA, DEA and Parabens can affect hormones, or the development of the unborn baby. Even lead or mercury may be present in personal care products.

BPA is used in such things as water and baby bottles, and is present in the lining of tin cans. Since the chemical can leach into the food or liquid it is best to avoid them entirely, or at least not heat items in these containers.

No one would brush their teeth with drano, or wash their hair with antifreeze, but that is close to what we are doing by using certain personal care products. The cosmetic industry is unregulated, so companies are not under restrictions from adding harmful chemicals. These toxins may be used to give a product more suds, or perhaps smell better, but they are unnecessary.

The solution is to only use skin and personal care products that are free from harmful chemicals, and avoid plastics and canned items as much as you can, especially if you are already pregnant or trying to conceive.

Toxic chemicals and pregnancy may have harmful effects for you or for the baby. As consumers are becoming more aware of these hazards there has been a big increase in the availability of products that are free of toxins, and work just as well if not better than the alternatives.

Diet Plan for Healthy Skin

It's been said we are what we eat, and that is very true when it comes to our skin. It’s our body’s biggest organ, and it deserves all the nutritional support we can give it. So take a look at what your diet has been, and what you are feeing your skin.

Vitamin A is very important for skin health. One of the best sources of it is low-fat dairy products. It could be said the health of our skin depends on vitamin A. Low-fat yogurt not only provides Vitamin A, but also acidophilus, the "live" bacteria that supports intestinal health. Other good sources of vitamin A include cod liver oil, sweet potatoes, carrots, and leafy greens.

Be sure to eat lots of fruit and vegetables high in antioxidants, such as blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, and plums. Antioxidants protect the skin cells, which helps to prevent damage. As a result, it's good for premature aging, and keeps skin looking younger longer.

Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are necessary for healthy skin. Sources of EFAs are salmon, walnuts, canola oil, and flax seed. EFAs keep cell membranes healthy, and allow nutrients to pass through.

We also need good quality and healthy oils, which contain more than essential fatty acids. This keeps our skin looking and feeling healthier overall. The best oils are cold pressed, such as olive or extra virgin oil.

Selenium keeps our skin cells functioning optimally. Whole-wheat bread, turkey, tuna are some sources of selenium.

Green tea has anti-inflammatory properties, and it protects the cell membrane. It may even help prevent or reduce skin cancer risks.

We need to be well hydrated with plenty of water, as it has quite an effect on the skin’s health. Well-hydrated skin is healthy and young-looking. It also helps remove toxins from the body.

How to Stop Acid Reflux Naturally

Do you ever wonder why so many people these days have problems with acid reflux, heartburn and digestive problems? The older one gets, the more likely it is they will have problems.

Stomach acid is both necessary and normal. When people have problems like reflux we often make the mistake of turning off the stomach acid in an effort to stop the problem.

Most of the enzymes we need for proper digestion are naturally present in our food. In fact, enzymes make fruit and vegetables ripen. However, food processors discovered they could greatly prolong the shelf life of food by destroying these necessary enzymes that we need. Since these enzymes have been eliminated there has been a great increase in acid reflux and other digestive problems. That is no coincidence.

Because the enzymes are lacking, digesting food properly becomes more difficult, and as a result the acid can start to reflux towards the chest .

Some things to avoid that can cause or aggrevate acid reflux include coffee, chocolate, vinegar, and any obviously acidy things like tomato sauces and so on.

It's also recommended that you drink warm, or room temperature liquids as cold temperatures will further inactivate the enzymes. If you like really cold drinks it's best to have them between meals and not during them.

Finally, plant based digestive enzymes taken just before eating will help you digest your food and avoid reflux. The most effective enzymes are the plant based ones rather than animal sourced. I take two of them before the supper meal, and occassionally before lunch, depending on what I am having. People with more severe cases may need to take the enzymes before every meal. You will find what works best for you.

The digestive enzymes have allowed me to completely avoid taking antacids or other over the counter medications. They are really just replacing the enzymes that were in the food originally before food processors had them removed.

My Experience With Supplements to Relieve Shingles

Shingles, also known as Herpes Zoster, is a disease caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which is the same virus that causes chickenpox. Shingles affects the nerve endings in the skin, and is very painful. It can appear anywhere on the body. The painful rash usually is gone within 3 to 4 weeks, but for some people the pain of shingles can last for months afterwards. Here are natural supplements to relieve shingles pain which have helped me with greatly reducing the discomfort and promote healing.

Vitamin C. Rather than take a supplement I've been eating about two oranges a day.

While I already like to eat vegetables and fruit and have that in my regular diet, I wanted extra antioxidant power so have taken Greens to Go which is available at Costco. The directions say you just mix it with water, but I found it tasted a bit better mixed with juice. Even then I'm not crazy about it, but it does have a lot of extra antioxidant which I felt necessary.

Probiotics. Danactive by Dannon has been my choice because I like the taste, but there are others. Probiotics help strengthen the immune system by providing "good" bacteria that our body needs.

Organic aloe vera gel for the rash. This has been very soothing. As my pain began to decrease it also was becoming itchy at times, and the aloe vera has stopped this.

About two ounces of Mangosteen juice by XanGo three times a day. Sometimes it's been a bit more than that. There is no upper limit as to how much juice a person can drink each day, but the average amount is one ounce two or three times a day, so with a health problem it's necessary to take more.

XanGo has the original mangosteen supplement, it's all natural with no added sugars, no artifical flavors or colors. Many years of scientific research on the mangosteen have shown how it can strengthen the immune system and is a natural anti-inflammatory. It's the only mangosteen supplement on the market that uses the whole fruit puree, and this is important because most of the antioxidants found in the fruit are actually in the rind.

When I first broke out in the rash two weeks ago I went to my doctor for the diagnosis and also to get something for pain relief. I did take the prescription pain reliever morning, midday and before bed for the first few days, but it's been 5 days since I took the last one. I am still taking an over the counter pain reliever when I get up in the morning, but otherwise am not needing anything else at this time. I really believe these extra supplements have made a difference, however, I can't of course suggest anyone else would have the same result as me. But I did want to share this with others, because as I mentioned I know the shingles pain can last a long time.

I really will not be without the mangosteen juice and sincerely recommend it to anyone, whether they are healthy and want to stay that way or if they are facing a health challenge of any kind. I encourage everyone to try the juice and see what it can do. I expect to continue to improve my overall health and recover from shingles faster as I keep drinking this juice. And I love the taste too!

This video has more information about the mangosteen also known as the Queen of Fruits.

Natural Pain Relief for Fibromyalgia

Finding natural pain relief for fibromyalgia isn't easy because what helps one person may not necessarily help another. However, there are a few remedies anyone can try to reduce the pain and discomfort.

A diet with plenty of protein, fruits and vegetables, and low in carbs can also help to relieve fibromyalgia pain. Sugar needs to be avoided as it depresses the immune system. Also caffeine and alcohol can make symptoms worse.

A medical professional can help you find a regular relaxing exercise routine that is right for you. The exercise assists with blood flow, which can help you to sleep better, as this is a common problem with fibromyalgia.

Heating pads can provide relief and also can loosen up sore muscles and joints, particularly during a flare up. There are many different types available today and even some you can wear under your clothes that can be used for several hours.

Topical pain medications which are free of harmful ingredients can be found in health stores. I use a pain reliever cream with emu oil that is good for natural pain relief. Most stores should have a wide variety, so it's a matter of finding out what works the best for you.

Stress is often the culprit when someone has a fibromyalgia flare up. Depending on what is going on in our lives, it may not be possible to avoid stress, but spending time in a quiet place with calming music may help you to completely relax. Some people find meditation helpful as well.

One final strategy for natural pain relief for fibromyalgia is deep tissue massage. This stimulates blood flow in both joints and muscles. This works similar to a heating pad, but many people with fibromyalgia find deeper tissue massage provides much more pain relief. It's important to have someone experienced in dealing with people who have fibro to do the massage.

My friend Shelley Penney, a retired nurse, has written a great ebook about Natural pain relief for fibromyalgia. These are all natural therapies that can end the pain for good.

Best All Natural Skin Care Products

When it comes to looking after their skin, many people want the best all natural skin care products available, since they are aware of the dangers of using ones that contain harmful chemicals or toxins.

So, how do you determine which are the best to use? It's not easy to find all natural skin care product that really have no chemicals at all. There are some that really are 100% organic, but their cost might be too expensive for some people. Often these have a shorter shelf life as well because of no preservatives added.

Some people are under the impression that since natural skin care products are without any chemicals, they cannot cause any harm to the skin. This isn't always the case, since you may have sensitivites to things that are toxin free.

Although a product may be labeled "pure, natural and organic" this can be misleading. There are no legal standards for organic or natural skin care and personal care products sold in the United States so products labeled this way may still contain chemicals that could be harmful.

Also, beware of "fragrances" which could contain many different things, and may cause skin irritation and allergy problems.

The best all natural skin care products will offer cleansers for all skin types (dry, oily, normal and sensitive) and be rich in antioxidants as nutrition for our skin is important as well. We should make use of a daily toner, serum and moisturizer as well. This will reduce the signs of aging and wrinkles and brown spots on the skin.

New industry standards are starting to appear that may help people determine the difference between the natural and not-so-natural products, but multiple standards with different meanings can be confusing. The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics is advocating for a standard that means ingredients really are as safe as they claim to be.

Some essential oils, herbal oils, shea butter, lemon, aloe vera and much more are useful too and are known for their moisturising and antiseptic properties. In addition the mangosteen fruit and particularly its rind has been shown to be rich in anti-inflammatory properties and is particularly helpful.

Using an all natural skin care product should include other lifestyle habits such as eating lots of fruit and vegetables, regular exercise, and drinking lots of water to help you maintain healthy skin for longer time.

Glimpse Skin Care uses topical skin nutrition that is good for your skin, and will leave your complexion healthy and radiant.